24 January 2010

Say not the struggle naught availeth . . .

The Gunns20 exhibition finishes tomorrow; thank you to all my Melbourne friends who took the time to go along, and particular thanks to those who sent donations to the Huon Valley Environment Centre. Big hugs to all of you.

Reactions to the exhibition were mixed, as expected, and one or two people thought we were just preaching to the converted. However, even the converted need to be informed of what is happening beyond their suburban back yards! But we are encouraged; we will carry on; we have nothing to fear but fear itself. So gird your loins, grab your Kipling, once more into the breach and let's give the beggars what for, what?

By the way, here are the paintings I exhibited.


You can read my Artists' Statement about them on my website.

Lessons at the Foreshore Art School

Anybody want to learn to paint/draw? I've just finalised dates for my classes at the Foreshore Art School at Rosny Park, Tasmania. You can attend drawing lessons Tuesday, 0930-1130 and painting classes Thursday, 1900-2100, beginning 15 February. More information: http://www.tasmanian-gothic.com/lessons